T.S.Y. Teknolojik Seramik Yatırımları
T.S.Y. Teknolojik Seramik Yatırımları
Our company, which was established in Istanbul in 1996, moved to its plant in Bursa in 2001 to produce high quality pigments for Ceramic-Porcelain-Glass industrial manufacturers. With more than twenty years’ experience in producing pigments and supplying raw materials for industrial field, our company joined the Göktaş Group in 2012. The rapid spread of the hobby products sector in the world, people’s interest in the ceramic and pottery fields and their desire for individual production led us to create the Seramiksır brand in 2017. We have decided to expand our products to the whole world by 2020. We bring our products together with ceramic lovers by creating dealerships in Turkey and with our Cerco Glaze brand in the whole world.

Continuous R&D investment
Continuous R&D investment
SRS Seramiksır company, a subsidiary of Göktaş Group as of 2012, was founded 2001 with the primary purpose of providing high quality inorganic pigments for the emerging ceramic industry of Turkey, which had no other option then exporting such colouring products. With extensive research, GKP Inorganic Pigment developed professional grade ceramic and granite pigments, decoration pigments and glazes, ceramic ground coats, and various types of glass paints, and have been providing such products both to inland and overseas customers. In 2018, the Booming interest of hobby enthusiasts led the GKP Inorganic Pigment research’s to show that a company focused on providing solutions to not only professional industries but to the emerging needs of availability of materials to the hobby enthusiasts. Thus, the Cerco Glaze was founded in 2018. Since then, the research and development has been on full throttle, and new products are being…